During their process of becoming greatest in the respective era's, Lord Rama went to exile and so did Arjuna (which obviously is more of metaphorical for mango man like us) If need be, would I go to exile? Welcome to another curious post
Will I go to exile? NO!
But why...even when heroes like Rama and Arjuna did go? Am I apprehensive or helpless against the hardships? Or Am I bound in shackles of the material world...? NO!
Do I need a wife as committed as Sita who would throw away the material world in a split-second for me...?
Do I yearn for a brother like Lakshamana for whom world would mean me, to accompany me...? NO!
Do I expect a brother like Bharata to carry my footwear on his head and run administration on my name...? NO!
Do I desire to meet a committed soul like Hanuman who would vouch on my name...?
Do I desire ruling kingdoms as end result similar to case of Rama and Arjuna?
What do I need then...? So that I am not labelled as incapable or one with weak strength of character? Give me the arms training like Lord Rama got from Sage Vishwamitra!
Life is precious and I do not fear death,
I, rather fear valueless death
I do not fear death,
Rather, I fear being killed by lion in deserted forest or dying by slipping into a marsh...
I do not fear dying a heroic death in the battlefield, I hate dying in the process of learning arms!
I do not desire or despise output,
nor do I indulge with my Karma... I just hate getting lost in the process!
"Whether I lose or I win,
Guarantee me: to live to fight the battle...
And I would die a thousand deaths to prepare!!!"
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