Motivation is garbage - Mel Robbins People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily - Zig Zigler Idea is persistent, but inspiration to pursue it is temporary - Rework book If you need inspiring words, don't do it - Elon Musk Twitterati is going crazy these days with Gen Z giving a lot of philosophical insights. Some of them are hell bent on questioning everything which seemingly has prevented the structure from collapsing so far. (By the way...there is a difference between asking questions and questioning things, isn't it?) "Overrated" is the word people are after these days and prefixing it with every known "good" thing. Is networking overrated? Are books overrated? Is motivation overrated? and so on So coming back to the question of this blog, is motivation overrated? Here’s my take I don't think that if one needs motivation for doing something, he isn't aligned with it. ...
Finding answers.....and finding questions!